Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm Retired . . . . maybe

I "retired" after 30 years at the same place and started a new job which lasted nine months before I was layed off. I've been "sort of" looking for a new job but I really wouldn't mind staying home and doing whatever I feel like each day.

I have spent a lot of time crocheting and sewing over the past few months. I've even opened an Etsy shop with some of my crocheted items. So far I have no sales. I'm hoping that will change soon.

Recently, I created my own sewing pattern for a toddler dress from my granddaughter's dress. I must say the dress from that pattern turned out really nice. I am planning to create a tutorial and put it on this blog.

Visit my Etsy shop:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alice- Your grandaughter is so cute. I am looking forward to your tutorial!
